Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Playing around at the playground!

The girls were home this last weekend. We had plans to go spend the day at the lake. However, the weather was rather chilly. So we stayed in until we could take it no longer. We decided to visit the new city park.

This is a typical Smith girl habit - run barefoot in the park!
This darling dear stopped for a second to pose for the picture before she slid down the biggest slide in the park. We tried to coax the other darling dear, but she was more interested in flying the jet. She was trying to catch Uncle Todd in his jet. "Wait up, Uncle Todd. Peas!"
What could they be looking at? Why it is Uncle Todd in his jet!

The day was great. We had a good time.


Anonymous said...

Thank You, Oakley! Always worth the wait, but hard to wait-the-wait. Adorable pictures!

Catherine said...

Wish I was there to watch the jets fly over your "heads".
Can't wait to see you in July!
Love you.