Saturday, January 31, 2009

One year of ups!

It has been awhile since I sorry. I get so busy with work and the girls -it doesn't seem like I have a second to slow down. So....referring to my has been one year since Jason filed for divorce. It has been a very hard year but there have been some really good times, too. I have been blessed in so many different ways. I am grateful for this year - the ups and downs. But, especially, the here are a few ups that have made this year so wonderful.

Addison learned how to ride a bike.

Addison turned four-years-old!

Payton turned two-years-old!

Primary Activities!

Memorial Day in Oakley with Grammy, Papa, and Aunt Stephanie!

Swimming Lessons at the indoor pool.

Afternoon naps.

Spending 4th of July with the Adams Family. Mont, Elaine, Garrett, and Miles.

The outdoor swimming pool.

Spending time in Oakley with all our cousins!

Uncle Todd's F-16 and his fly over.

Bear Lake with Holly, Carson, Aunt Stephanie, and the Ritchie Family!

Addie started preschool.

The corn maze at the pumpkin patch.

Little witches and carving pumpkins.


Christmas morning, Aunt Stephanie, Grammy and Papa, and snow!


Unknown said...

I enjoyed looking at the "ups" of the year. There were many good times weren't there?! I really love the picture of you and the girls in your title. You are beautiful!! I'm so glad that you are doing great. I love you!

Unknown said...

By the way, it's Catherine not Jason. I must be logged in under his name. I figured you knew, but I guess I should clarify! Ha ha.

jeanne said...

What a great collage of our darlings! So fun to remember the memories and see your sweet faces. Love to all, Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Good job, Oakley! Love those pictures! You three are adorably adorable! Thanks for sharing! I miss you so much.

Nicole said...

Hey, bonehead! I found you and I'm so glad I did. You and your girls look beautiful and your pictures are very fun. It's nice to see you doing so well.