We all took a drive out to the ranch the other morning. I bought a sled and the girls were anxious to test drive it(We brought it in the house after we bought it and for a day they would sit in it and just stare at me.... they were ready to go!) We tied it up to the back of the truck and then pulled the girls around the fields. They loved it. It was so fun to hear them giggle. I was able to ride in the sled with them. Payton tuckered out so Addie and I lived it up. It was a lot of fun. I haven't been sledding in a long time. Took me back to Max Lloyd pulling us on the old automobile hood in the back field. It was fun!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Growing Geese on a Quilt With Three Little Girls in Bad Weather
We have had a slow week around here. The weather has been crappy which means the roads are bad. I am anxious to get out. Today, I woke up to a world of more snow and fog. I took to the road early on to find some photo opportunities. Thus, the wheel line.
We also had a run in with snow geese. They migrated to our back
field. It was an incredible sight - must have been 5000 or so. I let Jason snap some pictures - but they do not capture the sight or the sound of these geese. They seemed to fly in swarms. Addison and I ran outside after Jason went to work and scared them, just to watch them all fly. Then we ran for cover. It was pretty neat. Our pest control man came to the door and said, "Looks like you are growing geese." So it did - they formed in perfect lines.
I also had the great opportunity to use my new sewing machine to finish my
first quilt. I started a quilt with Mary over Thanksgiving and finally finished it. I made it for Payton. I love it - might want to keep it myself! I am anxious to start Addison's; which will be done in purples instead of pinks!
Addison was able to have a friend, Grace, over on Monday. They played dress-up and totally destroyed Addison's bedroom. I don't know how two little girls could have ever made that big of a mess. I just shook
e my head and laughed. Then we all went about the business of cleaning things up. They sure looked cute in their dress-up clothes, however!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Devil's Corral
Today I hiked down a small canyon to the Susan River. The particular place is called Devil's Corral. It was a beautiful winter day. No wind. Sun shining. Quiet. Just the sound of the water. I had a few hours to myself...waiting for the sun to highlight the river banks a bit more. It was peaceful. I loved it. I am so thankful for the season's of nature.
I came home to at least, no kidding, at least 5000 snow geese in the field right behind our house, (Hopefully pictures of that tomorrow.) and Addison. She wanted to play in the snow so badly. So we bundled up and headed out. We played on the sled, built a snowman, snow angels, the list could go on. Oh, the memories. We had a good time together.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
A New Sunbeam
Today was Addison's first day as a Sunbeam. Only three graduated from Nursery and moved on to Primary. Addison is the only girl. She was quite excited. I talked to her about it all week - preparing her for the move. I think I was more nervous about the day than she was. The other two children are boys and they cried and screamed, the mothers came in....Addie sat quietly. She said once that she felt she needed to check up on Payton in Nursery (mother). She was so cute. It is so hard to believe that she old enough to be in Primary. I pray that she will always have the righteous desire to go to church and gain a strong testimony. Hopefully, the example that she will set will have an influence over her father.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
A First
This is my first blog. I am very apprehensive about starting this. I guess I am writing about the life of myself and my two, absolutely adorable daughters, Addison (3) and Payton (1). We have quite the life and this blog spot, I hope, will show that. I don't know if I can make my blog as exciting and creative as others that I have visited. So, my dull, plain blog spot will have to do. I hope this isn't a reflection on my life....ha. Here goes...
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