Addison, Payton, and I had the opportunity of spending a few days at Bear Lake. Oh, can I just say.....Wonderful? Wonderful! It was wonderful. Holly Rands, a very good friend of Aunt Stephanie and mine, invited us to spend a few days at her family beach house. The Ritchie family, Aunt Stephanie, Holly, Carson (a very patient, loving, kind dog), Addison, Payton, and I shared an awesome four days of pure relaxation. Wonderful!
The girls and I left on Monday and stayed in Sandy at the Utley's house. On Tuesday, after many long years, I was able to meet up with my good friend, Tricia. The girls fell in love with Maggie and Tucker (Tricia's poodles; I lived with them when I first started teaching in Fallon.) We went to Tricia's house in Highland. It was so good to see Tricia. After all these years, it seemed we just picked up where we left off. I really enjoyed seeing her and being able to talk and share our lives with each other again. Addison and Payton loved her house. She has lots of "Auntie" toys and candy. Thanks to Maggie and Tucker, we now play dogs on a regular basis and they fight over who gets to be Maggie and Tucker. Ha! It's "ruff!" ~We drove to meet Tricia's sister, Tarrin, and her three kids at a playground called Kangaroo Zoo. Kangaroo Zoo is an industrial sized building with big blow-up slides inside. The girls had a ball. Tricia and I even broke the rules and went down a few slides with the kids. It was a lot of fun.
Wednesday morning the girls and I left for Bear Lake.
We had no idea what we were about to experience. The beach house sits right on the lake, overlooking the beach. It was so fun to arrive and have the girls so excited to get to the water. They couldn't wait for me to unload and get our room organized. ~So, Who else would rescue these poor little girls? Da-da-da-duh....."HAVE NO FEAR....Aunt Stephanie's here!" That's right... Aunt Stephanie loaded them up on the 4-wheeler (w/grins attached) and took them down to the water's edge. ~With the understanding that they were just to "look!" -Wading in the water?....ummmm....yeah, right! This is Addison and Payton here...two little girls that live in water and have special gills built into the back of their neck. After a while, the sound of the four wheeler rolled back with two little girls that were soaking wet from their head down to their toes. Aunt Stephanie just couldn't stop them. She was absolutely helpless! Those girls needed to touch that water!!! ~~That's what started the fun! ~Later, the Ritchie family, Dan, Nona, Jennie, Alli, and a family friend, Shelby, arrived. Everyday after that was spent at the beach. We loaded up jet skis, canopies, food, drinks, books, beach toys, tubes, knee boards, chairs, towels, golf clubs, sunscreen, dog toys, ipods, tanning lotion, and headed down to the water's edge. There we stayed. The girls had a BLAST! I just can't get over how much they enjoyed themselves; playing in the sand, on the tubes, jet skies, swimming, and running with Carson. The water was absolutely perfect. They had a smile on their faces the entire time.
All the fun is included, but is not limited to, the smallest parade in the world with the most candy ever; trying to get up on the knee board...just one more time, sinking on the tube, the jet ski tipping over, building sand castles with the army men, looking for shells and finding junk, throwing the ball for Carson, Carson panicking that his mother was gone, trying to distract Carson, golf tournament-sand bunker to the Frisbee, the wind that destroyed the new canopy, thunder and lightening, Baywatch Babe to the rescue, watching that light for what seemed like hours, rain, rain, rain, gathering in the purple room to watch the Olympics, early morning walks, early morning gas runs, combing hair with the sand rake, flowers from the victim to Pamela Anderson, falling asleep on the jet ski, looking for "my doggie", relaxing, and sun, sun, sun!
Aunt Stephanie, you are the best AUNT ever! Thanks for all the fun. Thanks to the Ritchie Family for playing with Addison and Payton - they talked about you for days. Thanks also to Dan and Nona for the jet ski, shopping for food, and Dan...thanks for waiting on us "hand and foot!" (Need I remind you? You were a lucky man to be among such great women!) We can't thank Holly enough for this BIG little heavenly vacation. We love you, Holly! THANKS!
Fun pictures! It looks like you had such a great time.
What are you up to these days?
Linds - how are you? Work. I can't believe it has been a month since I last blogged - I will get busy.
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