The girls and I took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch at Lattin Farms. It is interesting to watch the girls grow every year as I scrapbook the pumpkin patch. (They are such hams; always posing and smiling BIG for the camera.) The evening was just perfect. We loved the corn maze. I thought the girls would get bored - but they were "amazed" with this path in the corn field. However, we did cheat at the end - I was the one getting irritated. I finally led the girls out the side - knocking down several thousand corn stalks as we went. I didn't care. It was fun. Addison had been to the pumpkin patch already with her preschool class - so she was the tour guide. We didn't miss a thing; the cow train, hayride, goats, chickens, rabbits, and pumpkins - we were busy running from one end of the farm to the other. It was loads of fun! In the end, Payton picked out a perfect pumpkin to sit along side Addison's. We were dirty and happy as we pulled away - until next year!!
It looks like so much fun! Your girls are always adorable.
you and steph look about 15 in those pictures at bear lake! so how did you compare bearlake to mccall? i think it just makes me miss mccall so i've never had the best time there, but the water is beautiful it's so blue!
Molly! What a beautiful, beautiful baby girl you have! Oh - I wish I could kiss those cheeks! I absolutely loved, loved, loved Bear Lake! I loved the company, blue water, sun, sand, lodging...it was a perfect way to end the summer. I always miss McCall - nothing ever compares to Payette Lakes. I have such treasured memories of our vacations in McCall. I look forward to introducing my girls to McCall. Can I just tell you that you look wonderful. You are a beautiful mother - you wear it very well my dear. Love you!
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